Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tour de France

The Tour de France starts today and as usual it will be an epic event. It beings in Rotterdam

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Katy Trail Adventure Report

For those of you that haven't been to Susan's blog, you can find lots of pictures from our Katy Trail ride we took in May.  No point in me trying to duplicate what she wrote, because I couldn't, so all you have to do is click on the title of this post and you'll go right to it.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Katy Trail Ride

Later this week Susan and I will be riding our bikes across the state of Missouri on the Katy Trail.  We will travel 227 miles from Clinton to St. Charles.

As we go we hope to get some nice pictures which we will upload to our Katy Trail Picasa album that is linked to this blog post.  All you have to do is click Katy Trail Pictures and it will take you to the full album.  We should be adding pictures each day.

Our longest day is 49 miles and we just did a 42 mile ride today from our house to downtown Oklahoma City (and back).  We stopped for lunch when we got downtown and had a great day.  Susan has a post about our ride today which you can read by clicking here.

We both felt pretty good today so we're not too concerned about the one long day in Missouri.  We are both very excited about this ride and have been looking forward to it.  We have all our gear ready and just need to pack up the car and go.  We leave our car in Clinton and will get picked up in St. Charles for ride back to Clinton for us and our bikes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Unlawful Act

With their override of the governors veto of an invasive bill regarding abortion, the Oklahoma state legislature has put in place ghoulish and inappropriate steps that a woman must take to have a lawful abortion. My issue isn't whether or not abortions are good or bad, rather it is the action taken by the state legislature to make exercising this lawful action more difficult than it already is.

Below is the letter I just sent to my state senator and state representative.


Senator Clark Jolley
State Senate
2300 North Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Representative Lewis Moore
State Representative
2300 North Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

April 28, 2010

Dear Senator Jolley & Representative Moore:

Thanks to the Oklahoma state legislature, our state continues it’s path backwards into the Dark Ages and is being characterized in ways that should make all of its citizens ashamed. I know that I am ashamed to live here.

Since I’m a man I can’t really begin to understand what a woman must go through as she considers whether or not to have a lawful abortion. Of course, neither can the two of you or the vast majority of your colleagues in the state legislature. Yet you still decided to make this already difficult decision even more painful and humiliating for no reason other than your supposed moral superiority. Be sure that you have no moral superiority on this issue.

I assume that this law will both reduce the number of abortions in the state and cause additional mental and emotional stress to the mothers, families, and soon to be borne children. Given that, I would expect that your next order of business will be to increase funding to the various state agencies that will be required support these additional children and their families.

I would expect that all of the members of the state legislature will now decide to become foster parents to some of these children and possibly even propose legislation to require all citizens of Oklahoma spend at least some time as foster parents. Certainly you should all be required to be briefed on a regular basis by the state agencies who will be caring for these children so you can be fully aware of the results of your actions.

I also think you should pass legislation that requires all Oklahoma residents who want to have a drivers license to be required to watch at least 2 hours of film showing horrific car accidents resulting in death and dismemberment of drivers and passengers. After all, even though getting a drivers license is a lawful act, like an abortion, we certainly should be sure that they have a full understanding of what could come as a result of getting a drivers license.

Perhaps legislation should be passed requiring all stores that sell alcohol to post pictures of drunks passed out on the street, people dying of liver disease, people vomiting on themselves, etc. Remember, even though the purchase of alcohol is legal, like abortions, we certainly need to make sure that people know what they are getting into when the make that purchase.

Also, all jury members considering the death penalty should be required to watch film of people being put to death. While it is lawful for them to vote for the death penalty, like it is to get an abortion, we certainly want to be sure that they are fully aware of the consequences of voting for a penalty of death.

Here is one last idea given the current state of the economy. I think legislation should be passed that requires all potential home buyers to see a film about what can happen when you can’t make your payments and your home is foreclosed and you are thrown out on the street. I know that buying a home is legal, like abortions, but I’m sure you want to protect home buyers to so go ahead and get that legislation on the works.

There are so many things that the legislature could be doing to help the people and state of Oklahoma. Your actions on this abortion law doesn’t help the people of Oklahoma or the state. Do you think companies will want to locate here given the reputation that this state is developing? Do you think people will want to vacation here? I don’t think so, heck I don’t even want to live here anymore.

On top of all of that this law will probably be struck down in the courts and all you will have achieved is spending state money we need for more important things and looking like the fools that you are.

I think all of you should have to look at film of women as they go through the ultrasound tests and all the other ghoulish things you have in store for them with this legislation. You especially should have to watch the ones of those women you didn’t protect who became pregnant because of rape or incest. I want you all to watch their hearts break a hundred times because of what you have done. I want you to have those pictures in your mind every day and I fervently hope that they keep you up at night.

Words cannot describe what I think of what you have done.


Mark Lash

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Enough of Politics

I have had enough of national politics to last a lifetime… or at least for quite awhile. It seems that every issue, large and small, is controversial and marked by angry arguments and finger pointing.

To be honest, I thought that there were lots of things that most of us could agree on, but am now convinced I was wrong. We have turned into a country where all we care about are our own narrow self interests. To me that is a recipe for gridlock and disaster as the real problems of our country go unsolved or at best “solved“ by weak action that doesn‘t do much to solve anything.

It seems that most politicians only care about getting reelected and taking care of the rich, powerful, and elite of our country. They are getting away with it so I guess it works for them. I personally don’t know how they sleep at night.

I’m convinced now that it is best to just focus on family and friends, along with any local issues that may be of interest. While I will keep myself informed on what is going on around me, “tilting at windmills” is no longer much fun or productive.

Here is the current “split” for me between realist (90%) and idealist (10%) which seems to be a good ratio for the year 2010!

I’m looking forward to a new direction in my blog posts and a lessening of the frustration that occurs when the idealist part of me doesn’t line up well with the times we live in. There are lots of good things to write about and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Howard Zinn

I found out that as part of their coverage of Howard Zinn's death, that NPR/All Things Considered had a person who obviously didn't like Howard Zinn and had some very negative things to say about him. Here is a link to that information.

I frankly didn't understand why NPR would do that right at the time of Howard Zinn's death and sent the following email to the NPR Ombudsmann Alicia Shepard.

Dear Ms. Shepard:

I have to ask why NPR/All Things Considered felt the need to have David Horowitz on their show to speak badly about the late Howard Zinn.

Is this how you commemorate the passing of a person who only wanted to do good for the people in this country.

While some may have disagreed with his philosophy, I don't think anyone could question his motivation. Actually, that isn't even the point. He had just died and All Things Considered made a decision to bring someone on the show to speak poorly of him right after his death.

I haven't done the research on what All Things Considered does when they report on other peoples deaths. But my sense is that they don't bring on people to spit on the memory of those recently deceased.

One example might be the passing of William Buckley last year. I might disagree with some of his philosophy, but I don't question his motives and assume that what he did and stood for was to improve this country from his perspective.

NPR did NOT have any "rebuttal" on the worth of William Buckley after he died... nor should they have.

Did NPR have "rebuttal" guests on their show when Ted Kennedy died? I don't think so. And the list could go on.

In my opinion Howard Zinn was a great man who fought for the people of this country who are ignored, marginalized, and don't have much of a voice in the politics of this country.

He did this his whole life up until his death at age 87.

How could NPR have brought someone on their show right after his death to say the things that David Horowitz said.

My wife and I have been contributors to NPR and PBS for many years and this event has caused us to rethink any future contributions.

I look forward to your reply.

Mark Lash

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Afghanistan – Are We Even Yet?

Anyone who gives it just a few minutes of quiet and unemotional thought knows that we invaded Afghanistan for revenge and to prove that the United States can’t be pushed around. We certainly wanted to capture or kill any terrorists in Afghanistan who had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11 and to punish the government of Afghanistan (Taliban) who gave them safe refuge.

Well, we took the Taliban out of power and captured and killed all the terrorists we could find. Of course, all of that happened in the first few months after we invaded Afghanistan, so what have we been doing there for the 8 years since then?

To be honest, I’m not really sure. It seems as though we continue to fight to keep the Taliban out of power and to try and find the few terrorists that are left in Afghanistan. Of course the Taliban will continue to try and regain power for generations to come and at some point we will have to leave and the Afghans will have to deal with the Taliban on their own. It might as well be sooner rather than later as the result will be essentially the same.

Our leaders say that we are still there because we can’t allow Afghanistan to become a safe haven for terrorist plots against us, but that really doesn’t make any sense. After all, terrorist plots can be planned and executed from most any country in the world and events of the past 8 years have shown that to be true. We certainly won’t be sending an occupying army to England, France, or Germany and hopefully won’t be sending one to Yemen or Somalia.

Once again, with a few minutes of quiet and unemotional thought most people would realize that by having troops in Muslim countries and killing their people, that we are doing more harm than good in trying to stop terrorist attacks against us. Our leaders certainly know this, but they won’t simply end the war and leave Afghanistan.

Our leaders are intelligent individuals so you have to wonder why they haven’t taken the logical and appropriate step of stopping our involvement in Afghanistan immediately. I’m not really sure what the reason(s) is, but I figure it has to be one or more of the following: 1) War is a profitable business for certain corporations in our country; 2) No politician wants to appear weak and maybe lose an election; 3) War is a distraction from other problems in our country; 4) We can’t leave until we are victorious; 5) Any number of other reasons that don’t make sense.

By now we should have satisfied our desire for revenge. We have certainly killed more of them then they killed of us and have inflicted more damage on their country then they did on ours. What else do we need to be even?

If we don’t leave Afghanistan right now we are ensuring that there will be generations of people who hate us and are ready to give their lives in an act of terrorism to get even with us.

We are the so-called superpower and world leader. It’s about time that we acted like a world leader and unilaterally ended this war. We can deal with terrorist plots against our country in many different ways, none of which need to include a war in Afghanistan.

There is no good war if there isn’t a damn good reason for it. If there ever was a good reason for this war, it ceased to exist many years ago.